Posted February 21, 2009 in Blog, Philosophy 101, Uncategorized

When asked, “What should I look for when choosing a facial cosmetic surgeon?” I reply, “The Eye, the Hand, and the Heart”. “Eye” refers to the artistic ability to evaluate the face and see what is required to restore volume, shape, tone, texture, and color. One needs to have a vision of natural, “average” facial features. Beautiful, attractive faces are made up of the combination of average features. “Hand” is the ability to apply the treatments precisely, safely, and effectively with a skilled and soft gentle touch. “Heart” is caring about patients with uncommon professional passion and commitment to excellence. These attributes can be used in all walks of life, no matter what your profession or job may be. Exceptional individuals have a vision of the future, ability to carry out the necessary physical steps, and passion coupled with commitment to achieve their client’s goals. When choosing your cosmetic physician (or any other service), put your trust in those who have “the Eye, the Hand, and the Heart” that is right for you.