Posted June 19, 2013 in Blog, Podcast, Uncategorized

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Video Highlights: Sculptra Los Angeles

0:23 Who makes Sculptra?
0:34 The characteristics of Sculptra
0:40 What is Sculptra and does it do?
1:10 The dread of aging and the role of fillers
1:57 Combining Sculptra with other fillers
2:13 The cost of Sculptra
2:15 Why is Sculptra more economical than other fillers?
2:28 Sculptra versus fat transfers
3:26 Session requirements
3:55 Collagen growth
4:45 How long will Sculptra last?
5:09 The benefit of building a personal base of collagen

Hi this is Dr Michael Persky. I’m a facial plastic surgeon here in Encino California. We’d like think of Encino as the Beverly Hills of the San Fernando Valley. I am a consultant and lecturer as well as an instructor for Valiant which is the company that makes Sculptra.

And today I’d like to talk to you about one of the questions a patient asked me about today during consultation which is, what makes Sculptra different from other fillers. Sculptra Los Angeles.

Sculptra is a biostimulatory filler which means that when we inject it stimulates the immune system to make volume and increase the volume of the face. All other fillers fill the hollows of the face, fill the lines of the face. A few years back, thanks to the work of Bryan Ambro, Rod Rohrich, Joe Pesa, Rebecca Fitzgerald, Amy Lager a consensus about facial aging was come to and that is rather than filling the lines of the face when they occur, those lines are occurring because of the lost of volume in the face from the lost of fat and the preauricular area, over the brows, the cheek, the chin and that’s what’s causing the lines. Rather than just filling lines, what we are now doing, again our philosophy has changed, we are now filling the areas up where we’ve lost the volume and by reinflating the face it actually takes care of those lines without having to fill them. Of course, even with Sculptra, there may be a few superficial lines that will be filled with other fillers. So it’s nice to combine other fillers with Sculptra. it’s not all of one or all of the other. But what’s nice with Sculptra is it globally fill the face in a way that’s not really possible with other fillers.
Younger patients may need one or two. Older patients may need three to four sessions. Much older patients who have a lot of volume loss would probably be better served by having a facelift and maybe fat injected at the same time. Economically, Sculptra makes sense over other fillers. And that once the patient reaches full correction and the face is rejuvenated, we don’t have to treat patients again for 2-4 years. So when you amortized the cost of Sculptra over time, it’s a lot less expensive than the other fillers that you need to start over again every time they run out.Even with fat when we take patients to the operating room and do fat transfers we are able to again, fill the place but Sculptra is a lot more predictable and reliable than fat when we put fat transfers in. Approximately 40 to 60 percent of the fat survives. We don’t know how much of it will survive and where it will survive so as Dr Ambro says the most common procedure to fat surgeons do is fat transfer and the second most common is a second fat transfer and then the third one is because the fat that stays is permanent is removing the fat. So with Sculptra, we are able to predictably rejuvenate the face by replacing lost volume. That’s really the main difference between Sculptra and other fillers. The other difference is with other fillers the injection process is done. Face is filled and the patient walks out and there’s a finite amount of time, six to twelve months before the patient needs to come back to have more filler put in. With Sculptra, the amount of volume changed is directly related to how many sessions the patient has so in other words, the first time a patient has Sculptra inject them, we don’t inject them to fill all the hollows. You have to think of that more in terms of spreading seeds out to grow new collagen in the places where we want to grow it. And we can’t and we don’t fill those areas up to max so it would be like putting a fertilizer on a lawn up to here and expect it to grow more grass. There’s only so much collagen that will grow at one time with a treatment session of Sculptra so, after this session, the patient will wait a good six to eight weeks, come back and then we can treat again in the areas where more volume is needed. The amount of volume replacement with Sculptra is directly related to how many injection session the patient has or needs.Sculptra Los Angeles.

And again, the nice thing about Sculptra at that 2-4 year point where you put a little bit more in, you don’t have to start all over by building things up because the patient has a nice based of their own collagen. So, I hope that answers most of your questions about Sculptra. Certainly if you have any more, please feel free to contact me either my website, you can call my office, or email me, i’ll be happy to get back with you.

Be well. Bye Bye.

If you are interested in a Sculptra procedure, please schedule your consultation with Dr. Persky by calling (818) 501-3223. Join our newsletter to receive special offers & promotions exclusively available for subscribers.