RealSelf actual patient comment:

“I had a horrific and traumatizing experience with Juvederm Summer 2015, which has lead me to fear any type of lip fillers or fillers in general. I got a hematoma, which lead to an infection, which lead to a huge bump on my lip, which had to be drained at the ER. Before this happened, I had no problems with Juvederm, and had it done regularly over the Aquamid which I’ve had in my lips for over 8 years. I want to do Juvederm again, but I’m so afraid that the same thing will happen again!?”

A. Sorry to hear about your bad experience with lip filler injection. What you experienced was not an allergy to the Juvederm injected into your lips, rather you had a vascular (blood vessel) event, either there was too much bleeding from a deep needle puncture, or you may even have had filler injected into a blood vessel which can cause overlying skin to break down. Aquamid has been known to have severe delayed response infections and that may have played a role in your complication. It is most important for you to consult with and be treated by only an experienced, skilled, and knowledgeable physician injector in the future. I believe that you may be able to have lip injections again, but only with precautions taken.