Posted August 25, 2009 in Blog, Rhinoplasty, Uncategorized

Hi Doctor Persky, well I want to have rhinoplasty. I’m 20 years old, but there’s a problem – my mom is scared that something might go wrong. How can I convince them that I’m not confident with myself and need the procedure?
Thank you Doc.

Hi Kat,

Please email a photo of your face from the front and profile, and from below as well. I will then get back to you. With any surgery there is the possibility of risks and complications, but we must weigh the risks versus the benefits. If the benefits far out weigh the risks, then by choosing the surgeon whom you feel most comfortable with (one with an excellent reputation, with results that appear beautiful to you, who understands what troubles you, and feels confident that your surgery would be successful), you have the best chance of achieving your goals with the lowest chance of something “going wrong.”

In the meantime, the best thing that you can do is to let your mother know how you truly feel, what it is that bothers you, what you would be satisfied with, and let her know how it affects your confidence. Let your mom know how long you have felt badly about your nose, if you have been teased about your nose or if there have been incidents where you have been hurt, share these with her.

If you have an ethnic nose, your mother may be concerned about you losing your ethnicity, not “fitting in at family get-togethers”. Let her know that it is possible to change your nose without losing your familial appearance. You may also volunteer to help defray the costs of surgery by getting a part time job, etc.

You must know that rhinoplasty is not answer to “changing” one’s life. It won’t get you “that job”,”that guy”, make you more popular or anything like that.

I hope that everything turns out for the best for you. If it does not work out for you now, know that you will eventually be able to have your surgery later in life.

While you are waiting to have your rhinoplasty, I hope that you can smile when you remember the old saying about noses, “you can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose.”

Good luck and be well.