Posted November 03, 2010 in Blog, Uncategorized

The argument whether Zerona works or not based on science and medical research is a joke! 

Laser experts from around the world agree that the 635nm laser (that same red laser that reads bar codes in your super market check out line) cannot penetrate through the skin to cause the “holes” in the fat cells that are shown in Zerona “steakhouse” presentations.  Those electron micrograph photos that are used are taken after the Zerona laser has been used directly on the skin without having to pass through the skin.  For those of you interested in really non-invasive low energy treatment, iPhone has an application for facial skin rejuvenation!

The effects of Zerona, if any more than placebo, are likely from the mandatory diet, exercise, and Curva dietary supplement drink (Niacin) that are used.  The same results would likely be seen without the Zerona laser if the “company” or their paid consultants did the study.  Two week results are not acceptable anywhere in science. 

It is sad that the public is exposed to this modern day non-science, but what is most amazing is that the paid consultants have tried to present the “steakhouse” lecture at medical scientific meetings where the physicians present are not fooled by the hype.

Anyone who wants to give Zerona a try, go right ahead, but you have been fore warned.  I personally wish that Zerona was actually effective as it would certainly be a nice source of easy income for my practice.  After a year of due diligence, I and other laser experts have not found it’s claims to be true. 

The  other sad aspect of the Zerona hype is that it confuses the public,comparing Zerona to technologies that actually have been scientifically proven sound by the world’s experts.  One such technology is cryolipolysis by Zeltiq, developed by Rox Anderson, MD and Dieter Manstein, MD at Mass General/ Harvard Medical School. 

Sorry to have joined in this fray, but I do feel an obligation to my patients, the public, and my colleagues.  Sometimes the truth hurts, but one must do onto to others as you would want them to do onto you.

Dr Persky is located in Encino, California but services all of Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley. Including, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Santa Monica, Malibu, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Tarzana and Agoura Hills and more.