Juvederm Volux XC (Allergan) is the latest game changer injectable filler recently FDA approved for jawline contouring.  Michael A. Persky, MD, a master filler injector is one of the first physicians to offer the treatment to his patients.  Dr. Persky, a facial plastic surgeon has been injecting fillers and neurotoxins (Botox, Dysport, etc.) since 1985.  Well versed in facial anatomy, Dr. Persky has injected thousands of patients safely and effectively using his natural artistic vision to help his patients achieve and maintain their aesthetic goals over years.  Volux is a hyaluronic acid filler from Allergan’s Juvederm product line.  It is injected with either a cannula or needle to create feminine or masculine jawlines.   Shaping the jawline can profoundly improve one’s appearance and requires the injector to have advanced skills, precision, experience, anatomical knowledge, and training. As the jawline is improved, so are jowls and the neck restoring a younger version of the patient.  With Juvederm Volux XC Dr. Persky is able to create a smooth, natural-looking, and long-lasting contour that lasts up to twelve months or longer with optimal treatment.

As with most injectable fillers, commonly reported side effects in the clinical study included tenderness, lumps/bumps, pain, swelling, firmness, bruising, redness, itching, and discoloration at the injection sites. These side effects are consistent with hyaluronic acid-based filler injections and were usually mild (causing little discomfort and no effect on daily activities). Most of these side effects went away on their own within two weeks.

Please fill free to contact Dr. Persky with any questions or concerns that you may have regarding any of your facial aesthetic needs.  You may call to schedule an in person or virtual consultation with Dr. Persky at your convenience.