Actual RealSelf Patient Comment: I was recently diagnosed with Colon Cancer and will be having surgery in the next 3-4 weeks – Chemo may happen but will not be until I am healed from surgery (approx 6-8 weeks) Can you continue to do cosmetic treatments during this time such as HIFU or RF skin tightening such as Fotona 4D, Botox and/or fillers? What about PRP for eyes? During this difficult time of life I would like to keep up with some approved treatments to ensure I feel and look my best while going through this battle.

Dr. Persky’s Reply: So sorry to hear of your cancer diagnosis. Wishing you a rapid complete recovery and cure! You can continue to do cosmetic treatments outlined in your question during this trying time. I would stay away from Sculptra injections or any other treatments that stimulate your immune system. Good luck with the battle, you sound like a warrior who is best suited to come through this well. Praying for you complete cure!!!!