Posted September 27, 2018 in Profound™ Lift

Cosmetic surgery has been reversing the signs of facial aging for decades, and for the majority of that time, was the only available course of action to treat moderate facial lines and wrinkles. The facelift and the mini facelift have the capability of producing substantial and beautiful results; however, they are both invasive surgical procedures that come with surgical risks, complications, and a recovery period. Not every patient is willing to commit to these risks and complications. Fortunately for them, advancements in non-surgical cosmetic procedures have come leaps and bounds in the recent years. Michael A. Persky, M.D. offers many of these non-surgical skin tightening and skin renewal procedures at his practice. One of these procedures is the Profound™ Lift, a non-surgical alternative to the facelift.

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Recover Faster and See Results Sooner

Dr. Persky’s Profound™ Lift reverses the signs of aging by using a combination of micro-needling and radiofrequency rather than incisions and invasive skin and muscle tightening that comes with facelift surgery. This procedure does not require incisions, and therefore, it results in no scarring and fewer days of recovery. The Profound™ Lift typically has a downtime of five to seven days, nearly half the recovery time often reserved for a facelift, and swelling subsides far sooner with the Profound™ Lift than with its surgical counterpart. See your results sooner and with less discomfort with the Profound™ Lift.

The Power of Multiple Procedures in One

The Profound™ Lift treats multiple areas at once. During your Profound™ Lift procedure, Dr. Persky addresses sagging skin on the face, neck, and jowls as well as treating the forehead, which helps to lift the brows. In essence, the Profound™ Lift provides total facial rejuvenation that lasts for years. Patients will look better for the rest of their lives compared to how they would have looked without having had the Profound RF treatment. Despite its comprehensive name, a surgical facelift doesn’t address the entire face. A facelift only addresses the skin laxity and aging on the mid and lower face. This procedure is often combined with a separate neck lift (to treat visible lines and folds on the neck) and a brow lift (to address lines on the forehead and sagging brows). The Profound™ Lift is one procedure that treats all of these areas in comparison to the three procedures required through the surgical route. This non-surgical procedure can also be used on other areas of the body, once again making it a natural choice over combination surgical procedures.



Unlike a facelift, a Profound™ Lift works to improve the underlying quality of skin (including its tone, texture, and color) and can lessen the appearance of acne scars. While a facelift will tighten the skin and lift the underlying muscle to reveal a firmer and more youthful appearance, it doesn’t work to enhance the skin’s quality in the way that the Profound™ Lift does. With this lift, production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid are all stimulated, allowing for increased improvement over the course of several months. In addition, Dr. Persky recommends that patients further enhance their Profound™ RF Lift with the use of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP). PRP is known to stimulate growth factors in the skin. Since the Profound™ RF procedure already uses micro-needles to administer the radiofrequency energy, PRP is easily applied to each area of the face and neck during the treatment. Prior to the Profound™ RF, one small tube of blood is drawn from the patient, centrifuged to separate out the yellow plasma, which is rich in platelets.


Results with the Profound™ Lift are natural looking and long lasting. To learn more about the Profound™ Lift, contact Dr. Michael Persky at 818-501-3223 to set up a consultation. Dr. Persky is a facial plastic surgeon in Encino, California.