Posted July 11, 2016 in aging, Beauty, Botox and Facial Fillers, Uncategorized

“All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does, and that is his.”  Oscar Wilde

Oscar wilde quote

We love when mothers and daughters come to our office together in consultation.  One of the most common complaints that we hear from our younger patients is “When I look in the mirror, I am starting to look like my mother!”  Many studies have shown that we can look at our parents to see the signs of aging that await us in years to come.  Younger patients are seeking facial rejuvenate and preventive aging treatments.

Galderma Laboratories, the company that supplies aesthetic physicians with facial cosmetic products such as fillers Restylane and Sculptra, and the neuromodulator Dysport sponsored The Mother-Daughter Facial Aging Study among 1,002 U.S. women: 502 women ages 50+ with daughters ages 25-40 and 500 women ages 25-40 using an online survey.  The study found that “Mom Genes” matter.  The mothers and daughters answered questions about their genetic disposition for beauty and facial aging.

90% of moms and 88% of their daughters agreed that “There’s more pressure to look younger, longer nowadays.”  67% of moms and 67% of daughters worry frequently that their face is showing signs of aging.  That goes up to 77% for daughters if they feel that they are aging just like their mom.  In fact, 73% of daughters think they are more likely to age like mom.

The pressures and joys of life that age daughters most are finances (27%), kids (25%), and work (18%).  The best advice that daughters felt their mothers gave them regarding skincare was hydration (24%), sunblock (19%), and sleep (11%).  Yet 62% of moms and daughters say that they talk about facial aging once or less a year.

35% of moms would consider having an injectable treatment for facial lines and wrinkles while 47% of their daughters would.  More daughters (74%) than moms (66%) would tell a friend or acquaintance that they had an office procedure.  Less mothers (66%) than daughters (77%) are interested in treatments with natural results.

Only 44% of moms believe that they look the age that they feel.  82% hope that facial aging is easier for their daughters than it was for them.  81% of moms are supportive of their daughter getting a facial treatment from a specialist, and 75% of moms would like to look 10 or more years younger.  That is 10 years younger than their current appearance, not as Oscar Wilde suggested in one of my favorite novels, “A Portrait of Dorian Grey“, ” can only be happy if they look ten years younger than their daughter.”  Thanks to Galderma Laboratories not only for this excellent study, but most of all for the excellent products that they have developed to allow aesthetic physicians to create naturally beautiful results.  Be well!

Smiling is the Best Form of Plastic Surgery!