A. Voluma has been a God send in my ability to rejuvenate patient’s face within 10 to 20 minutes. A small amount of Voluma is able to lift the face unlike any other facial filler. It is also the longest lasting non-permanent facial filler, lasting for up to two years. Voluma injection experts such as Dr. Persky are able to inject the product strategically to maximize the lifting effect while using the minimum amount of product to give you your best naturally beautiful results at the most economical cost…the biggest bang for your buck! More than any other aesthetic treatment that we perform, when patients are handed a mirror after their Voluma treatment, they respond with a spontaneous, “Wow!” As with any aesthetic procedure, be sure to choose your treating board certified cosmetic physician very carefully based on their experience, care, knowledge, skill, and most importantly their natural artistic vision. Good luck and be well. ~Dr. P