Posted October 06, 2008 in Blog, Face Lift, Rhinoplasty, Uncategorized

Nobody’s perfect. That why for the rest of us there’s cosmetic surgery, makeup judiciously applied, proper lighting, and enough distance to keep things a little fuzzy and out of perspective. A very intelligent, entertaining, and most beautiful patient was in my office today. She can afford to see the most popular as well as expensive Beverly Hills cosmetic physicians, yet she chose my practice for her facial procedures. After her rhinoplasty months ago I asked, “What was it that made you choose me to operate on your nose?” She answered with one word, her friend’s name (who had rhinoplasty here a few months before), and then simply added, “Seeing is believing”.

She has subsequently trusted her face to me with fillers and Botox. She shared an experience from her workout at the gym this morning. In the class, the lights are dimmed for the hour of the workout, and most people look better in the wall to wall mirrors in the dimly lit room. The inevitable moment of truth comes at the end of class when the bright lights are turned back on. In one of those “ah-ha” moments she came up with another cosmetic insight, “You can look good with the lights on!” with emphasis on the “can”. With a non-invasive, safe and effective treatment that combines the precise and individually tailored use of Restylane, Juviderm, or Radiesse and Botox, the Liquid Facelift rejuvenates the face without the cost and downtime of surgery. It is an excellent choice for my patients who work under the scrutinizing eye of high definition television and film. Patients look rested, healthy, and great with or without the lights on. Seeing is believing.